The Minnesota World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Conference will be held virtually June 14-16, 2021.
The Minnesota Elder Justice Center invites you to join the 15th Annual Minnesota World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Conference to be held virtually on June 14th – 16th, 2021, 9am-noon each day. The goal of the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day conference is to elevate the issue of elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation and provide education on best practices for prevention and effective response. This year we welcome Ai-jen Poo, best selling author and co-founder and Executive Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, to deliver the conference keynote. As this year begins with continued safety concerns, the 2021 Minnesota World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Conference will once again be held online to ensure a safe learning environment for all. The conference cost is $65 and includes access to all three days. CEU, CLE, POST credits will also be included, as well as a general certificate of attendance for all attendees. Registration is valid for all three days.
ASL interpreters will be present for the conference. Please email katie.behrens@elderjusticemn.org for instructions.
Conference sponsorship opportunities are now available. Please view the full sponsor letter here for more information
Keynote Speaker Ai-jen Poo
Ai-jen Poo is an award-winning organizer, author, and a leading voice in the women’s movement. She is the Executive Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Director of Caring Across Generations, Co-Founder of SuperMajority, Co-Host of Sunstorm podcast and a Trustee of the Ford Foundation. Ai-jen is a nationally recognized expert on elder and family care, the future of work, and what’s at stake for women of color. She is the author of the celebrated book, The Age of Dignity: Preparing for the Elder Boom in a Changing America.
Follow her at @aijenpoo.
Monday, June 14
9:00-9:20am – Welcome and updates
9:20-9:45am – A Conversation with the MN Ombudsman for Long-Term Care
9:45-10:45am – Building Collaborations to Impact Guardianship Systems
10:45-11:45am – Conference Keynote Ai-jen Poo
11:45-12:00pm – Jane O Award for Advocacy
Tuesday, June 15
9:00-9:55am – Consistency in Outcomes and Equity for Vulnerable Adults
10-10:55am – Financial Decision Making for Another Person
11:00-12:00pm – Panel Discussion: Opportunities to Address Pay & Workforce Disparities for Minnesota’s Front Line Caregivers
Wednesday, June 16
9:00-9:50am – COVID-19 & Shifting Landlord/Tenant Laws: Where are we now?
9:50-10:35am – Discharge and Evictions from Long-Term Care Settings
10:35am – 12:00pm – Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach Case Study
Jim and Cindy Murphy in honor of Jane Ochrymowycz
Corozzo Bookkeeping Service